Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dougie Dancin'

HA!!! Okay first of all I am huge Glee fan. I know that the actual story line of the show is not the best but I have to say that the music and the dancing are the things that entice me the most. Seriously it's like I can't get of course being obsessed with Glee like I am (I refuse to call myself a Gleek, too cliche) I was Youtubing some Glee cast videos and came across this video. Heather Morris (aka Brittany on Glee) is an amazing dancer and to me hands down the funniest character on the show. You can watch not only this video but I would refer you to her performing TikTok by KedollarsignHA to view more of her talent!
For those of you who know me you know that I love to dance and especially get into hiphop. I often forget that I was once a hiphop dance teacher at a studio, sad I know but true. But as I get older the places to hiphop dance are few and far between so I stick to watching youtube videos to learn new dances. Yep, that's right. So enough with confession time, just watch you will see and maybe by the end of this video you will know how to "Dougie". (Did not mean to rhyme at the end)
(copy and paste this in your search bar)

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